Rochdale Canal Map for Download

(2 customer reviews)


This is a downloadable Rochdale Canal Cruising Map in a choice of formats. See tabs (below) for licencing, installation and software requirements.

Acrobat (pdf): This has 10 x A4 map pages plus 4 cover pages.  Approximate download size is 16Mb.

Memory-Map (qct): This has all the map pages joined into one continuous scrollable map with GPS tracking.  Approximate download size is 15Mb.  This includes a copy of the Acrobat (pdf) version.  See Memory-Map (qct) tab (below) for special installation and software requirements (and Memory-Map’s pricing) before ordering.

SKU: 11M12 Category:


These maps work on Windows, Android, iPhone/iPad and Mac devices providing they have the appropriate App/Software installed.

The licence conditions permit you to use the map on up to five devices (computers, laptops, phones, tablets etc) for personal use. Business licences are available on request.

Shortly after making payment you will receive the download link on screen and by email.  Please check your junk mail folders if the email doesn’t appear promptly as your spam filter may have mistaken the download link for spam.

The download link will be valid for 6 months.  You may use the link in the email to download any (of all) of the monthly updates issued during that time to ensure you have the latest version of the map.  You can update your map at a discounted price after that.

Please use the free examples to see how good my maps are and check you can conquer the download and installation process before ordering.

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