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100710-132225 – SK 14185 13888 – COV 60.755
Next to Fradley Junction is a swing footbridge. It’s very light and can be opened with one finger which sometimes surprises boaters who give it a hard shove.
If you can’t remember what order to do things in there’s a small black plate with white writing to remind you which is summarised as;
- Open Bridge
- Take Boat Through
- Close Bridge
I wonder how many need those instructions, although a few might need reminding to close the bridge after them.

090802-153046 – SK 14095 13996 – COV 60.900
It’s not light, but is so finely balanced as to appear light.
It’s by far the lightest canal swing bridge I’ve met, and we’ve cruised all parts of the connected waterway network several times.